Expert Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, and Orthotics Services for Optimal Health

Swollen Feet And Legs Treatment

Do you have tired, swollen feet and legs at the end of the day?
Also called edema, swollen feet are caused by an excess build-up of fluid, pulled down to the feet and ankles by gravity. Mild swelling can be helped with simple treatments. If you have persistent swelling, swelling that damages your skin, or is accompanied by shortness of breath and/or weight gain, please see your medical doctor.

Common causes of swollen feet and ankles include:

  • Standing for long periods, especially in warm weather
  • Long airplane flights or car rides
  • Being overweight
  • Aging
  • Injury
  • Pregnancy (Excessive swelling may be a sign of preeclampsia. If you are pregnant and experience swelling, please see your medical doctor.)
Swollen Feet and Ankles Treatment

How Physiomed Can Help

Compression Therapy – One of the safest and most effective treatments for swollen legs and ankles is wearing prescription compression stockings. Custom stockings are designed to fit perfectly and exert just the right amount of constant pressure on your feet and legs. Compression stockings work by compressing your veins, arteries and muscles, forcing your blood through narrower channels, increasing pressure and causing more blood to return to the heart, and less to pool in the feet. Compression therapy may also be helpful in reducing or preventing varicose veins. We offer a variety of styles for men and women in several colour choices.

Weight Loss Programs – Carrying excess weight is one of the leading causes of swollen feet and legs. Physiomed can help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight, with nutritional counselling and effective clinical conditioning exercise programs under the care of a qualified health professional. Regular exercise will improve your circulation and take pressure of your veins.

Patient Education – Our health experts can help you learn how to prevent and treat swelling through nutrition, targeted exercises and daily activity recommendations.

If you have tired, swollen feet, Physiomed can help. Book an appointment today.

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