Acupuncture is a safe, non-invasive therapy used to promote natural healing and reduce pain. An ancient form of Chinese medicine, acupuncture has provided effective relief for centuries.
Acupuncture treatment involves inserting a series of specially designed needles into the skin at specific points in the body. Acupuncture needles are very fine, flexible and slide smoothly through tissue so they do not cause bleeding or tissue damage. There is no drug injected through the needles; the presence of the needles themselves provides the stimulation that achieves the beneficial effects of acupuncture treatment. Needles are typically left in place for 15 to 30 minutes.
Acupuncture has been known to provide effective, natural treatment for many conditions, including headaches, back and neck pain, digestive difficulties, anxiety and stress.
Your Physiomed health practitioner is trained to provide safe, effective acupuncture treatments as part of your overall health improvement treatment plan.