Expert Physiotherapy, Chiropractic, and Orthotics Services for Optimal Health

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General Tips - Page 21

Looks Like Mom Was Right… Posture Does Matter!...

Posted by Dr. Scott Wilson | 20-02-2015

If you sit for long periods of time, hunch over your phone or your laptop screen, slouch or genera... Read More

Feb 13

Top 4 Reasons Why You Keep Having Recurring or Relat...

There’s no question that getting injured can be an extremely frustrating experience. Aside from th...

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Feb 06

Improving Posture With Upper Body Strengthening...

Poor posture can lead to a number of significant health concerns. Given the amount of time we spend ...

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Jan 16

Eating More in 2015, Despite Your Resolution? Here&#...

If your New Year’s resolution was to eat better and maybe lose weight in 2015 but you find that ...

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Jan 09

53% More Heart Attacks In Winter…Are You At Ri...

For many years now, we’ve known that winter is a peak season for heart attacks. In fact, studies h...

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Top Blogs

Jul 15

Osteoarthritis Treatments: What You Need to Know...

Key Highlights:

  • Osteoarthritis treatments focus on pain relie...

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Jul 01

Runner’s Knee: Symptoms, Causes & Treatme...

Key Highlights:

  • Runner's knee, or patellofemoral pain syndrom...

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Jun 15

Upper Back and Neck Pain: Causes and Solutions...

Key Highlights:

  • Upper back and neck pain can be caused by var...

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